Méjan Express

Plan Itinéraire Téléphone

Adresse :

1, porte de l'Adous
06560 Valbonne


restaurant sandwicherie / sur le pouce


Méjan'Express, votre Snack situé au coeur de Sophia Antipolis, vous propose :
- Des produits snack frais et sains préparés sur place
- Une carte variée pour se faire plaisir sans se ruiner : sandwichs, kebabs, burgers, salades, desserts…
- Chaque jour un menu différent cuisiné sur place pour manger équilibré
- Deux services de livraison gratuites
- 10% de remise à partir de 50 € d’achats cumulés

Le Mejan'Express livre gratuitement du lundi au vendredi dans Sophia Antipolis entre 11h30 et 14h00.


Prix menu Midi : 8.00 €

1 Avis note 1

DON'T use their services if you do not know how to argue in french. After 3 times being mistreated customer I will never go there again. In their restaurant after drinking around 0.5l of their water I got food poisoning. Couple of weeks later in their salad shop I bought a salad with shrimps only to find out that no one actually deveined them. And today in their salad store they robbed me of 10 euro after I've placed it on their cash counter and the lady behind the counter thought it was another customer's money. I pointed out that another customer did not pay, but that did not help. If you do not want to find yourself in an embarrassing situation, do NOT use their services.

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